Point - Click - Give
You can help the battlefields with your tax deductible donation to Friends of Bear Paw, Big Hole & Canyon Creek Battlefields.
Friends operates without a paid staff while led by a board of directors who give their time freely and without compensation. Expenses are kept to a minimum which ensures most of every dollar donated is used to help protect natural and cultural resources. You can feel reassured that your donations will help the battlefields.
We appreciate your donations and value your privacy and security. We do not share or sell your information, email, or address with anyone or any organization. If you contribute online by clicking on the PayPal "Donate" button below, your donation is well secured with PayPal. Thanks again for helping Friends help the battlefields.
Remember that Friends is a non-profit 501 c3, so your donations are tax deductible. Don't forget to check with your employer for matching contributions.